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Jon Holland

Help the Community Project - Early Spring 2024

Many of our students and staff have been working hard to help tidy, maintain and tackle the overgrowth at a graveyard in the nearby village of Tring. The small and aging congregation has struggled to keep the graveyard in order so our young people have stepped in to help.

The triple whammy of being outside, performing physical work and learning about the tools and responsibilities has been, and still is, great for our students whilst providing a local community benefit at the same time. Of course, there have been groans and grumbles from some students at times, and possibly the staff , particularly when the clouds open but the good work continues each week.

It is often stated that mental health can be improved by being outside and doing exercise. For some of our young people, outdoor experiences, particularly of a physical nature, can be very rare. We are thrilled to see the positive effect that this sort of project has on our young people. Staff and students alike learned new skills. Working as a team to complete a goal that will help and improve the surroundings for others is an incredibly valuable lesson, that should reach into many other walks of life in the future. Helping others is a great way to help oneself.

We certainly hope to be able to do more of these group community projects in the future.

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